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No later than fantasy 不骜于虚声 Take the spirit of the 19th National Congress as the driving force to rapidly expand and strengthen the ecological company

Source: Unknown 时间:2022-06-22 14:58 Number of readings:

 No later than an empty voice
Take the spirit of the 19th National Congress as the driving force to rapidly expand and strengthen the ecological company

        党的十九大胜利闭幕了,通过认真学习领会,我深刻的认识到,习近平同志所作的十九大报告,不仅为中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦描绘了一幅宏伟蓝图,而且为实现这一蓝图提出了一系列新思想、新论断、新提法、新举措。作为中国梦的一个重要组成部分,“美丽中国”的生态文明建设目标在党的十八大第一次被写进了政治报告。经过五年气势磅礴的伟大实践之后,尤其是中国特色社会主义进入了新时代的今天,我国生态文明建设在理论思考和实践举措上均有了重大创新。作为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的一个重要组成部分,十九大报告在生态文明建设问题上的如下理论和实践创新,特别值得我们关注。学习宣传贯彻好党的十九大精神,是当前和今后一个时期我公司的首要政治任务。Here are some of my experiences:
First, the "19th National Congress" report erected a milestone in the construction of ecological civilization
        First of all, we should have a clear understanding of the problems existing in the construction of ecological civilization。从马克思主义认识论的基本原理来看,问题总是会伴着实践的推进而不断地出现。因此问题的存在并不可怕,可怕的是问题存在了,我们对问题却没有清醒的意识。十九大报告在总结以往实践的基础上提出了构成新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义基本方略的“十四条坚持”,其中就明确地提出“坚持人与自然和谐共生”。在具体论述生态文明建设的重要性时,报告前所未有地提出了“像对待生命一样对待生态环境”“实行最严格的生态环境保护制度”等论断,报告在论及着力解决突出环境问题时,甚至提出了“打赢蓝天保卫战”的理念。这一切无一不彰显出以习近平同志为核心的党中央在生态文明建设中清醒的问题意识。
        Second, we should have clear ideas and measures for solving problems in the construction of ecological civilization。十九大报告不仅提出了解决生态文明问题的总体指导思想,而且还提出了切实可行的具体措施。就总体指导思想而言,报告明确提出了“要创造更多物质财富和精神财富以满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,也要提供更多优质生态产品以满足人民日益增长的优美生态环境需要”。这事实上就把生态文明建设明确地列入了我们党“不忘初心、牢记使命”的宏伟蓝图中,体现出了更宏大、更宽广的执政情怀和治理视野。The important thing is that,The report puts forward detailed measures to build an ecological civilization,如加快建立绿色生产和消费的法律制度和政策导向;提高污染排放标准,Strengthen the responsibility of polluters,健全环保信用评价、信息强制性披露、严惩重罚等制度;完成生态保护红线、永久基本农田、城镇开发边界三条控制线划定工作;改革生态环境监管体制等。
        Third, it has sent to the world China's solemn commitment to building an ecological civilization。Ecological problems are global problems。近代以来,人们曾轻率地把自然界的存在仅仅看作人类满足自身需要的一种手段。于是,气候变暖、空气和水资源污染、土地退化、森林资源缺失、物种多样性锐减等生态问题便日益凸显。The Communist Party of China has been making continuous efforts to solve global ecological problems,From actively promoting the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,到习近平同志出席气候变化巴黎大会签署《十大网堵平台》,再到G20杭州峰会中国与其他国家达成共识要积极推动《十大网堵平台》尽快生效,To the 19th National Congress report put forward "actively participate in global environmental governance.,Implement emission reduction commitments "" Contribute to global ecological security",This is undoubtedly in the current era of environmental problems,The Communist Party of China's solemn commitment to the world。
The Report of the 19th National Congress Outlines a roadmap for green development
First, we must strengthen environmental governance。We must resolutely fight to protect the blue sky。今年二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量要分别下降3%,重点地区细颗粒物(PM2.5) The concentration decreased significantly。First, we will speed up efforts to solve the problem of coal pollution。全面实施散煤综合治理,推进北方地区冬季清洁取暖,完成以电代煤、以气代煤行动,全部淘汰地级以上城市建成区燃煤小锅炉。We will comprehensively promote the treatment of pollution sources。We will launch a special campaign to control pollution in key industries。Environmental law enforcement and supervision will be strictly held accountable。对偷排、造假的,必须严厉打击;对执法不力、姑息纵容的,必须严肃追究;对空气质量恶化、应对不力的,必须严格问责。Everyone has the responsibility to control smog, which depends on action and persistence。With the unremitting efforts of the whole society, the blue sky will surely increase year by year。We will strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil pollution。We will prevent and control water pollution in key river basins and pollution from non-point agricultural sources。We will carry out detailed surveys of soil pollution and formulate and implement treatment measures on a classified basis。We will strengthen comprehensive environmental improvement in urban and rural areas and implement a garbage classification system。要切实改变以牺牲生态环境为代价换取经济发展的传统模式,培育壮大节能环保产业,使环境改善与经济发展实现双赢。
        Second, accelerate the establishment of a long-term mechanism for environmental control。习近平总书记指出,“既要金山银山,又要绿水青山。Green water and green mountains need green development, not not development。To maintain clean water and green mountains, we need a scientific way of economic development。十九大报告明确指出,构建政府为主导、企业为主体、社会组织和公众共同参与的环境治理体系,提高污染排放标准,Strengthen the responsibility of polluters,健全环保信用评价、信息强制性披露、严惩重罚等制度。At present, it is urgent to establish a long-term mechanism for environmental control,Let environmental control play a guiding role in green development,Effectively guide the transformation and upgrading of enterprises,Promote technological innovation,Go green,We will also encourage the development of green industries,We will strengthen energy conservation, environmental protection, clean production, and clean energy industries,Make the green industry an alternative industry,Relay economic growth。适当的环境规制可以促使企业进行更多的创新活动,技术创新将提高企业生产力,抵消由环境规制带来的成本上升,提高产品质量,增强企业竞争力。因此,环境管控需要针对不同的企业、不同的行业、不同的区域类型,采取不同的环境管控手段,才能兼顾经济增长及企业竞争力,达到兼顾绿水青山和金山银山的发展目标。
        Third, comprehensively deepen institutional innovation for green development。十九大报告指出,必须树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念。Clear water and green mountains not only require excellent environmental quality, but also need ecological health protection。要实现绿水青山就是金山银山,必须推动绿色产品和生态服务的资产化,让绿色产品、生态产品成为生产力,使生态优势能够转化成为经济优势。At present, we should comprehensively deepen the institutional innovation of green development。一是完善绿色产业的制度设计,构建市场导向的绿色技术创新体系,通过环境外部性的内部化,强化绿色技术创新、绿色生产的经济激励,促进绿色技术、绿色生产的推广应用,使之成为新的经济增长点。二是完善绿色消费的制度设计,加快建立绿色消费的法律制度和政策导向,要让绿色、生态成为生活消费的新导向,使优质生态产品成为附加价值的组成部分,从而使得绿水青山真正成为促进经济增长的自然生产力。三是完善绿色金融的制度设计,使金融系统成为经济系统绿色转型的支撑平台。Fourth, reform the ecological environment supervision system and improve the ecological environment management system。十九大报告明确要求,设立国有自然资源资产管理和自然生态监管机构,统一行使所有国土空间用途管制和生态保护修复职责,统一行使监管城乡各类污染排放和行政执法职责。
Third, the "19th National Congress" has brought rare development opportunities for the environmental protection industry
       十九大的胜利召开,标志着我国的社会主义建设进入了新时代,也为各行业未来5年的发展指明了方向。十九大指出,生态环境问题被明确纳入社会主义初级阶段的主要矛盾,即我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。提出到本世纪中叶全面完成我国生态文明建设的目标,部署了推进绿色发展、治理突出环境问题、加大生态系统保护和改革生态环境监管体制四大任务。这就意味着十九大的胜利召开将环保提升到了一个前所未有的高度,环保作为政策推动型产业,将得到空前的发展。According to the relevant information of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment,
        First of all, air pollution control contains huge business opportunities。Air pollution is still the most concerned environmental problem。据了解,截至2016年底,全国已投运火电厂烟气脱硫机组容量约8.800 million kilowatts, accounting for 83 percent of the country's thermal power unit capacity.8%, accounting for 93 percent of the country's coal power unit capacity.6%。In 2016, the capacity of flue gas denitrification units in coal-fired power plants was about 0.6亿千瓦;截至2016年底,已投运火电厂烟气脱硝机组容量约9.100 million kilowatts, accounting for 86 percent of the country's thermal power unit capacity.7%。According to public data,At present, the desulfurization market has stabilized,2013年后脱硫机组的装机容量增速一直维持在11%左右;燃煤电厂的脱硝设施的建设主要集中在2009-2015年间,As the national air pollution regulations and standards become more and more stringent,The next five to ten years will be a key period for China's air pollution control,Market capacity will continue to grow at around 11%。中华人民共和国Ministry of Ecology and Environment近期将修改钢铁、建材、有色、火电、锅炉、焦化等行业污染物排放标准。The revision of the standard will accelerate the release of the market value of atmospheric environmental protection management in the non-electric market。据中泰证券测算,按照各细分行业粗算,未来工业大气环保治理需求约为2120亿元。
       Secondly, water pollution control will grow explosively in the next five years。"Water pollution Control Action Plan" (industry known as "water ten") requirements,2017年,直辖市、省会城市、计划单列市建成区污水基本实现全收集、全处理;2020年,地级及以上城市建成区黑臭水体均控制在10%以内;2030年,Urban black and smelly water bodies have been eliminated。Up to now, there are still more than 1,000 black and smelly water bodies that have not been completed。2017年我国水处理行业市场规模将达到2,800亿元,未来我国城镇污水处理率水平将大幅提升,大大拉动生活污水处理市场需求,未来五年(2017-2021)年均复合增长率约为43.25%,到2020年底,实现城镇污水处理设施全覆盖,城市污水处理率达到95%,城市和县城再生水利用率进一步提高。随着人民环保意识的提高及国家支持力度的增强,“水十条”要求 2020 年全国所有县城和重点镇具备污水收集处理能力,农村污水治理将成为继城市污水治理之后的下一片蓝海。根据住建部信息,住建部下一步对农村污水处理采取的策略是重点推进、梯次推进的办法,全国大致有 1.6 亿户的农村污水没有得到处理,按每户投资额 1 万元考虑,建设投资市场空间达到 1.6 trillion yuan。
       Third, the golden age of waste incineration disposal has arrived。根据最新国家统计数据显示,截至2015年底,全国城市范围内生活垃圾焚烧占比已达37.97%,其余城市生活垃圾以卫生填埋或其它形式进行无害化处理。By 2020, China's waste incineration rate will reach 50%。在国家政策的推动下,生活垃圾处理厂新增规模在不断加快,在建规模不断提高。目前来看,垃圾焚烧市场的争夺已逐渐从一线城市到二、三线城市,东部地区向中西部地区转移。我国一线城市如北上广深焚烧处理占比接近40%,部分一线城市焚烧占比超过50%。The situation of garbage incineration and horse enclosure is obvious。随着城市化率提升大量人口涌入城市,产生的大量垃圾带动了垃圾焚烧发电处理需求。It is expected that by 2020, the domestic waste incineration processing capacity will reach 59.14万吨/日,“十三五”期间生活垃圾焚烧处理能力复合增速将达到22%,行业高增长有望延续。综合考虑工程、设备以及运营市场,“十三五”期间垃圾焚烧总市场规模达到2538亿元。
Fourth, under the guidance of the spirit of the "19th National Congress", we will build a leading enterprise in ecological construction
       党的十九大报告提出深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。报告将深化国有企业改革,与发展混合所有制经济、培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业联系起来,为新时代国有企业改革提供了新的指导。陕西环保产业集团生态建设管理有限公司最为集团生态板块公司,We will earnestly implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress,Fully implement the decisions of the Group Party Committee,Adhere to the goal of becoming stronger and better,Adhere to the "environmental protection for the people, industry to serve the country" enterprise purpose,Focus on the development vision of "Building a leading enterprise in China's environmental protection industry",Close focus on the province's ecological civilization construction key and difficult issues,Closely around the "one body and two wings", to expand the "eight industries",即:围绕以环境监理、水保服务、工程监理、招标代理、环保规划等咨询业务的位“一体”,做大做强Environmental remediation与Environmental protection project、城乡生活垃圾与生活污水综合处置PPP项目为“两翼”的战略布局,Capture the market quickly, Improve management level,No later than fantasy,Not subject to booing,一步一个脚印地早日把十大网堵平台打造全国环保产业领军企业。
       First, strive to expand the "whole process engineering consulting" business。最近,《十大网堵平台》提出“培育全过程工程咨询”,这也是在建筑工程的全产业链中首次明确“全过程工程咨询”这一理念。我们要继续巩固扩大环境监理、水保服务、工程监理、招标代理、环保规划业务,确保全省环境监理、水保服务龙头地位不动摇。We should vigorously expand the whole process of engineering consulting,全面涉及建设工程全生命周期内的策划咨询、前期可研、工程设计、招标代理、造价咨询、工程监理、施工前期准备、施工过程管理、竣工验收及运营保修等各个阶段的管理服务,Strive to improve the quality of service,To build a well-known brand of ecological company "whole process engineering consulting"。
      Second, accelerate the expansion of ecological restoration business。我们要抓住十九大加快生态文明建设中“强化生态修复着力解决突出环境问题”的历史机遇,以流域生态修复、矿山Environmental remediation、土壤修复为主体,迅速做大生态修复版块。首先,要高质量、高标准地推进延河宝塔段山水林田湖项目生态治理工程、洛南县黄龙河污染治理工程以及镇安县米粮镇农田土壤重金属污染综合治理工程等已承建项目,力争将其打造成为全省生态修复领域的样板工程。其次,加快推进临潼三里河、紫阳蒿坪河等生态修复项目的跟踪、包装,确保2018年新签生态修复合同2.0亿元,早日把Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group生态建设公司这一品牌、这一旗帜插在陕西乃至西北地区生态修复行业的制高点。
        Third, accelerate the integration of urban and rural sanitation projects。做好城乡生活垃圾与生活污水综合处置PPP项目是十大网堵平台做大做强、实现可持续发展的根本出路。2018年,十大网堵平台将做好以下三个大事:一是加快推进镇安县、临潼区、高陵县、富县四个已签订合作协议项目的申报和试点建设,Promote the early signing of PPP contracts in the four counties,并把其建设成为全省城乡生活垃圾与生活污水综合处置PPP项目的典范,以此扩大十大网堵平台的业内影响力;二是加快推进三原县、丹凤县、旬阳县等六个县区PPP项目的策划、包装,确保项目早日落地;三是及早做好PPP项目投融资策划工作,We should strengthen communication and coordination with group planning department, finance department and investment company,At the same time, it actively connects with banks and other financial institutions,Ensure the smooth implementation of PPP projects。
        Fourth, we should make every effort to do a good job in ecological and environmental planning。生态建设规划和生态红线划定十大网堵平台开展生态修复和生态建设的基础。This year, our province will preliminarily complete the delineation of ecological red lines in municipal administrative areas,It is expected that the delineation of the ecological red line will be extended to the county level in 2018,This business has the characteristics of strict policy requirements, high technical requirements and tight time requirements,It is a major opportunity for our company's planning institute to show its comprehensive strength and gain market recognition,我们将高效、优质地完成商洛、安康、宝鸡、铜川四市的生态红线划定,And actively delineate the ecological red line of the province,Truly become the leading enterprise of ecological planning industry in our province。
Fifth, accelerate the establishment of a modern enterprise management system。要建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研深度融合的技术创新体系,促进科技成果转化,强化知识产权创造、保护、运用,培养造就一大批具有世界一流水平的科技领军人才和高水平创新团队,不断增强科技创新力和竞争力。Mixed-ownership reform should be an important breakthrough,Promote the diversification of property rights;Centering on the establishment and improvement of modern enterprise system,To standardize the construction of the board of directors as the core,推进法人治理规范化;加快推进现有经理层人员转换为市场身份,Promote market-oriented selection and employment;We will accelerate the listing of enterprises,Promote asset securitization;We will actively explore the reform of the salary system,We will make incentives and constraints more scientific。(庞正喜、Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group ecological construction management Co., LTD、总经理兼党支部书记、13992846598)